

Everything you ever wanted to know about this website but were afraid to ask

Some moments from my life

It seemed like a good idea to make a list of songs I can, or at least could at one point, play on the guitar...

This is a presentation I've given discussing some of the ideas on this site. 15 slides starting with human exceptionalism and ending on ideas for progress.

A very short...though some might say still too long...autobiography

A short story I wrote based on the book Ringolevio.  Originally it was meant to be a script for a short film but that never happened.

The ceremony and speeches from our first wedding celebration in Australia

And here is our London wedding, held in the beautiful Garden Museum in Lambeth London.

I'm planning on writing a book at some point, so this is a place to dump some ideas for what I will talk about. From this I will probably flesh the chapters out into a blog, but work gets in the way of things.